>.< So the question I have to ask, and I am just curious, no demands or anything. I consider the Speech Craft one essential since it makes FO3 speech checks skill based the way it should have been from Bethesda. New Vegas Bounties, I have that fully installed. I do, occasionally, use COTW when I want something different and a unique challenge. Oh and I use the combined NMC texture packs too. I wanted to install Eve but, well, with 2.9.4 I can, but not 3.2+. I also use a mod that adds map markers to New Vegas itself so I dunno if that's encompasses the Freeside changes incompatibility. LFox Bottle That Water - TTW Edition.esp=1įirst, I use PN fully, WMX is essential as it allows me to mod the unique weapons, there are a lot of ttw mods that work presently that I have no idea if they work in 3.2+. Project Nevada - Rebalance Uncapped Max Level.esp=1 Gunrunners_in_the_capital_wasteland_1.1.esp=1įaction Armor Converted to Non Faction.esp=1Ĭap Removed Rad Suit Increase 85 and 100.esp=1Ĭap Removed Rad Suit Increase 65 and 85.esp=1 Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp=1įNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - All DLC.esp=1
Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp=1